The Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) for 2015-2017 has been adopted by ECHA
original article from CIRS
On March 17th 2015 Helsinki time, ECHA announced the adoption of updated The Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) for 2015-2017. There are 134 substances in total listed in CoRAP to be evaluated by Member States
21 Member States will carry out substance evaluation in the coming three years for 66 newly selected substances and 68 substances from the previous CoRAP update. From now on, the member states have 12 months to evaluate the 48 substances specified for 2015.
The CoRAP update for 2015-2017 was prepared in close cooperation with the Member States, taking into account the agreed risk-based criteria for the selection of substances. In the CoRAP update, justification documents are provided to briefly explain the grounds for the initial concerns for each substance. In many cases, the initial concerns are related to potential persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic properties, suspected endocrine disruption or carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic properties in combination with wide dispersive or consumer uses.
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