SAWS Published Official Notice on the Qualification of Testing Institution for the Physical Hazards Identification of Chemicals
Original Article by CIRS
September 4th 2014, the office of SAWS(State Administration for Work Safety)published a notice on the qualification of testing institution for the physical hazards identification of chemicals(SAWS Order 60).
It has been 1 year since the measures for the administration of physical hazard identification and classification of chemicals – SAWS Order 60 was published. According to this Order, manufacturers and importers (companies) need to carry out physical hazard identification and classification at qualified institutions for chemicals (substance or mixtures) with unknown hazard properties and submit identification and classification report to the National Registration Centre for Chemicals (NRCC). Although the Order has been published for 1 year, this is the first time the SAWS set out details of criteria for testing institutions. Before this notice, it always confused companies when they tried to comply with the Order. Moreover, the list of appointed institutes may come out after the criteria.
A laboratory needs to meet all of the following criteria to be able to become a qualified testing lab for hazard identification:
- It must be a legal entity in China and can accomplish identifications independently, objectively and fairly. It meets the standards required by The Guidance of Physical Hazards Identification of Chemicals (SAWS Document 69). The institution has to guarantee scientificity and accuracy for testing and has the abilities to bear related legal liability.
- It has to obtain the metrological certification which include physical hazards identification
- The Institution must have a fixed workplace with net areas more than 300 square meters. Laboratory must meet the national standards in terms of building structure, safety and emergency equipments and has thorough contingency plans.
- It must possess an impeccable Laboratory Management System, which laboratory safety, occupational health, sample storage, file management and the information management of undetermined samples included.
- It has abilities to test at least 10 types of chemical hazards. Or it is capable to conduct all the tests for explosive and has the reacting equipments.
- Technicians of the lab must has related working experience for more than 5 years and has senior professional title recognized by Chinese government.
- The number of specialists on chemical industries is no less than 10, among which more than 3 of them obtain senior professional titles.
- The institution must have dedicated to related testing work for more than 5 years and has rich experience on physical hazards testing It has relevant experiences in technical support for accident investigation, physical evidence analysis and supervision affaires.
CIRS offers consulting service on chemical hazards identification and NRCC registration since the regulations came into force. If you need to consult on relevant topics, please don’t hesitate to send your questions to
Reference Us
Ms. Yixin Zhang, CIRS China
11F Dongguan Building, 288 Qiuyi Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China, 310020
Tel : +86 571 8971 6555 | Fax : +86 571 8720 6533