China MOA Notice No.2148: 190 laboratories are approved to conduct test for Pesticide Registration in China
Original Article by David Wan, CIRS
On 29 August 2014, MOA Notice No. 2148 has been published for the purpose of strengthening objectivity, science of data and material used in pesticide registration in China.
In total, 190 laboratories have been approved to be the designated testing laboratories of pesticide registration. This means testing reports and study data provided by any other laboratories can not be used for Pesticide Registration in China.
The approved testing items include field efficacy (including insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, plant growth regulator and other agricultural pesticides, public health pesticide, rodenticide, anti termite agent, molluscicide and other special pesticides), residue, environment behavior, environmental toxicology and toxicology.
Within these testing items, efficacy and residue tests are mandatory conducted in China. On the basis of this Notice, there are 85 agricultural pesticide laboratories and 34 special pesticide laboratories can perform the efficacy tests. Meanwhile, there are 50 laboratories can perform residue tests.
The validities of the approval for these laboratories are three years (efficacy, residue and environment tests) and five years (toxicology tests).
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