21,22 July 2014, CIRS Successfully held the Webinar: An Introduction to Operating Licenses for Hazardous Chemicals in China
Ms. Yixin Zhang from CIRS held a free webinar to introduce the legal background of a hazardous operating license and helped companies to determine whether they need a license when they sell hazardous chemicals to China or distribute them on Chinese market. This webinar also gave attendees a brief introduction to the procedure of application to an operating license and documents required. Professional suggestions and CIRS recommendations were also outlined for your reference, based on our knowledge.
More than 90 companies have attended the webinar including many big chemical companies.
To download the slides, please click here.
- For those who could not attend the webinar due to time zone difference, or poor audio quality which led to the reschedule of the event, please accept our apology for the inconvenience.
About the Presenter
Yixin Zhang Senior Regulatory Affaris Specialist, CIRS China
holds a master degree in Environmental Sciences from Wageningen University & Research Center, the Netherlands. With knowledge and experiences in forensic toxicology and technical supports for regulation compliance in EU and China, she has expertise in respect of chemical control laws, hazardous chemicals regulations, Global GHS compliance. As a Senior Regulatory Affairs Specialist of CIRS Group, her specialization focus on chemical control laws in China.
Contact Us
Ms. Yixin Zhang, CIRS China
Hangzhou CIRS Co. Ltd (CIRS China)
Addr: 11/F., Dongguan Hi-Tech Building, 288 Qiuyi Road, Binjiang
TEL: +86 571 8720 6574
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