How much does REACH registration cost?
REACH late pre-registration is moderate cheap. The market price is between 100 Euros to 500 Euros per substance with discount available for multiple substances. If you appoint an only representative, you need to pay an annual maintenance fee on a yearly basis, probably between 100 Euros and 500 Euros per substance per year(discount is also available).
REACH registration is much more expensive. The total cost of registering one substance could reach millions of Euros if your tonnage is very high and your company is the only company registering it. Luckily, REACH encourages data sharing through joint submission, in which case lead registrant and consortium will do most of the work such as GLP testing, preparation of technical dossier and Chemical Safety Report. Member registrants only need to pay the lead registrant a fee (i.e, buying a letter of access) to refer to the joint registration data and dossier developed by lead registrant or consortium, and prepare their individual part of registration dossier.
REACH Registration Cost Estimation
The total registration costs mainly consist of three parts:
- Data fees paid to lead registrant or Consortium to purchase letter of access to refer to the common parts of registration dossier. The fee is tonnage dependent. Data fee varies from substance to substance. It is fixed by consortium or lead registrant. It is also tonnage based.The price of a letter of access for a typical substance is between 2,500 and 15,000 Euros. For example, the letter of access for Iron costs 2500 Euros for 1000t/y+. The letter of access for many petrochemicals cost 10,000 Euros per substance.
- Consultancy fees paid to consultancy firms to advise the whole registration process and prepare the individual part of registration dossier in iuclid 5. The service fee covers SIEF/consortium communications, data gathering, IUCLID 5 dossier preparation and submission. Some firms charge hourly rates. CIRS charges a fixed fee for this service without any hidden fees.
- ECHA fees paid to European Chemical Agency. The fee is dependent on the annual tonnage of the substance and company size. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) enjoy discounts on ECHA fees (Euros).
Tonnage |
Normal |
Medium |
Small |
Micro |
>1000t/y |
24,901 |
16,185 |
8,715 |
1,245 |
100t-1000t/y |
9,237 |
6,004 |
3,233 |
462 |
10t-100t/y |
3,454 |
2,245 |
1,209 |
173 |
1t-10t/y or intermediate |
1,285 |
835 |
450 |
64 |
SME criteria is listed as below:
Note: Besides above fees, member registrants also need to do some analytical tests such as HPLC, MS, IR, and NMR etc to confirm substance identity. This might cost an extra 800 Euros. The whole registration process takes 2~4 months.
Our REACH Registration Services
Our full-range REACH registration services will provide end-to-end solutions to REACH registration. We have helped hundreds of non-EU firms and EU companies acquire over 180 REACH registration numbers up to date. The reasons to choose us include:
- Extensive substance specific registration experience;
- Broad communications with SIEF/Consortium;
- No hourly rates and hidden charges;
- Success guaranteed;
- Free regulatory updates and free consultations;
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to find out whether you need to do reach registration or not and how much it might cost you. Our initial consultations are free.
About the Expert
Louise Halpin, Operations Manager, service@cirs-reach.com
Expertise: REACH only representative, REACH registration dossier preparation (IUCLID 5), REACH SDS, chemical classification and labelling in according to CLP, C&L notification, GHS.
Louise Halpin graduated from Trinity College Dublin with an honors degree in medicinal chemistry. Prior to joining CIRS, she was a regulatory affairs consultant for an international consultancy company. She was responsible for preparing relevant dossiers for submission to the EU, under Directives 91/414/EEC and 98/8/EEC. As the chief Environmental fate specialist, her work focused on conducting various environmental risk assessments, liaising with clients regarding the product under which registration was sought, liaising with relevant personnel within regulatory bodies in the EU member states and attending meetings in the Irish Department of Agriculture.
We offer free consultation services on cost estimation. If you would like to find out how much it might cost to register your substances, please consult:
- Europe Office
Unit 1 Ardee Business Park, Hale Street, Ardee, Co. Louth, Ireland
Tel : +353 41 9806 916 | Fax : +353 41 9806 999
Email: service@cirs-reach.com - Ms. Alice Qian, China Office
11F Building 1, Dongguan Hi-Tech Park, 1288 Chunbo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China
Tel: +86-571 8720 6555 | Fax: +86-571 8720 6533
Email: info@cirs-reach.com