New Updates of MEP Order No.7 - CIRS attended a workshop on New Chemical Substance Notification held by MEP in Beijing
Original Article by CIRS
During July 9-10th 2014, CIRS attended the workshop on New Chemical Substance Notification in China held by the Ministry of Environment Protection Solid Waste and Chemical Management Center (MEP-SCC) in Beijing. Hundreds of representatives from large companies, third-party agencies and testing organizations attended this workshop.
Mr. Yingxin Gao and Mrs. Lin Lu from Chinese Solid Waste and Chemical Management Center (MEP-SCC) shared the latest updates of MEP Order No.7. This is a national-wide workshop on the updates of MEP Order No.7 which bridges central governmental agency, experts, and industries together.
What's New !
Ms Lin Lu will also speak at the 4th Summit Meeting on Chemical Regulations in China, Korea and Japan - SMCR 2014. Her speech will focus on the updates and interpretation of guidance document of New Chemical Substance under MEP Order No.7 in China. More info please clike here.
According to data from the Chemical Registration Centre (CRC), the total number of Typical Notifications of new chemical substances that have been received by CRC is 318. 218 notification certificates successfully completed as typical notification certificates by CRC from the year 2011 to the first half of 2014. In the same period, CRC received 1286 cases of General Simplified Notification, among which, 1125 substances were registered successfully. The number of registered substances as Specific Notification and the Scientific Research Record reached 11212 and 2938 respectively during this time.
The workshop also brought important information in the following aspects:
- The competent authority of new chemical notifications, the Chemical Registration Center of MEP is now one branch of the MEP-SCC which was established June 2013. The main areas of jurisdiction of this department includes chemical management, solid wastes management, heavy metal pollution and pollution site management in China.
- CRC plan to work together with other central departments within government to enhance the implementation of MEP Order No.7 in the future.
- The Chinese Customs will gradually adopt digital declaration of goods instead of paper documents for new chemical importation. MEP is trying to cooperate with other central departments to enhance the implementation and infrastructure of new chemical notification in China.
- Under MEP Order No. 7 there are 1021 substances that have met the criteria for entering into the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances Produced or Imported in China (IECSC). However, since the old Order No.7 didn’t have classification criteria, the procedure of the revision will process slowly and carefully.
- The MEP-SCC is involved in the ongoing revision process of the Guidance document for New Chemical Substance Notification in China. Public consultation has been gathered from different stakeholders (industries, third-party agencies, associations and experts etc). The revision will focus on detailing the application rules and requirements in the current guidance document. Meanwhile, MEP-SCC is going to optimize the procedure of expert assessment on dossiers, which may enhance the transparency and efficiency of this procedure.
According to MWP-SCC, the second workshop on MEP order 7 is going to hold in the future. More updates will be followed up later. If you want to learn more about the Order No.7 please click here
Background Information
On 19 Jan 2010, the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of China released the revised version (the Order No. 7) of the Provisions on Environmental Administration of New Chemical Substances. The new regulation replaced the old regulation issued in 2003 and came into force on 15 Oct 2010. This regulation is similar to EU REACH.
Under this regulation, companies shall submit new chemical substance notification to the Chemical Registration Centre (CRC) of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) for the new chemicals irrespective of annual tonnage, i.e. chemicals other than the approximately 45,000 substances currently listed on the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances Produced or Imported in China (IECSC).
Contact Us
Mr Eric Xiong, New Substance Notification in China/Korea/Japan, CIRS China
11/F., Building 1, Dongguan Hi-Tech Park, 1288 Chunbo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China
Tel: +86-571 8720 6555 | Fax: +86-571 8720 6533