Regulatory requirements on importing genetically modified products into China – AQSIQ DECREE NO. 62
updated in Jan 2014
The regulation on the inspection and quarantine of the import & export of genetically modified products, AQSIQ Decree No.62, was issued by The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People’s Republic of China, AQSIQ, on 24 May 2004 and came into force immediately. This regulation requires that products, which are on the list of genetically modified products, be subject to compulsory inspections when they go through China Customs. The genetically modified products must be clearly identified with the wording ‘Genetically modified product’ displayed on the label. In the event that product labels do not conform to the result of inspection, they will not be allowed to go through China Customs. .
Wording and mark of ‘Genetically modified product’
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Genetically modified product list
- Soybean seed, soybean, soybean flour, soybean oil, soybean meal
- Corn seed, corn, corn oil, corn flour (including corn flours with tariff No. 1022000, 11031300 and 11042300)
- Rape seed, rapeseed, canola oil, rapeseed meal
- Cotton seed
- Tomato seeds, fresh tomatoes, tomato sauce
Any other food products not on above list will undergo random inspections when the products go through Chinese Customs. The label information should also be in accordance/conform with inspection results. Food products found with either below result/circumstances will be sent back or destroyed by China Customs.
- Genetically modified product statement; However, the inspection results show inconformity with transgenic ingredients;
- Non-genetically modified product statement; However, the inspection results show genetically modified positive.
Pre-detection service for genetically modified products
CIRS is now cooperating with China Inspection and Quarantine of Zhejiang Province(CIQ) to provide pre-detection service for genetically modified products and other non-genetically modified products. The pre-detection will be done in strict accordance with recognized test method in China as the laboratory of CIQ is the official test lab f Customs inspection.Price & Duration
- Duration: 7 work days
- Sample: 500g
- Cost: 600 Euros for each sample
- Mr David Wan, Team Leader, Food & Health Products, CIRS China
11F Dongguan Building, 288 Qiuyi Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China, 310052
Tel: +86-571 8720 6555 | Fax: +86-571 8720 6533
Email: david@cirs-reach.com